Morning (11:30 – 1:00)
Greg Mather – We Are In A Fight! Understanding Conflict
We’ve all been there, we’ve argued, we’ve yelled or we’ve quietly stewed about a teammate, a colleague or a partner. But what’s going on when we get into a conflict? We may fight, flight or fawn to stop an argument, but how can we go to the core value of our conflict? Understanding that we create a narrative to explain other people’s behaviours limits our ability to grow from conflict. Being an effective leader requires us to understand, use and grow from conflict.
Mark Holder – The Science of Happiness
Medicine and psychology have traditionally focused on dysfunction and illness (i.e., what is wrong with you and how do we fix it). Recently, science has placed an increased emphasis on positive well-being (i.e., what is right with you and how do we promote it). Join Dr. Mark Holder as he outlines his research, and the research of his colleagues, on what contributes to long-term happiness. Learn how happiness is associated with improvements in your immune functioning, social relationships, sleep, cognitive flexibility, longevity, tolerance, creativity, and career. Share a laugh while learning scientifically proven methods to increase your happiness and the happiness of your friends, colleagues, students and family.
Dan Obenbach – Aboriginal Perspective of Wealth, Community Leadership & Values
Understanding Aboriginal community goes a long way in providing services for Aboriginal learners. This interactive workshop offers a glimpse into the life of a First Nations person who was caught up in the Sixties Scoop and grew up away from his culture. Participants will be led down a path to draw their own conclusions on what the world looks like through an Aboriginal lens. Everyone is welcome to attend.
Dan Smith – Leading with a Whisper
Standing in a crowded room, attempting to speak out over all the chatter can be remarkably frustrating when you feel like others can’t hear your voice. Now… try leading them. It’s a tough to be a leader in a world that just can’t stop talking. With at least a third of the population identifying as introverts, we bring important sets of skills and perspectives that are be integral to group management and idea generation. All we need is to have our voices heard. Learn how to be yourself, and “in a gentle way, you can shake the world.”
Desiree Henke – Passion Vs. Purpose: Leading with Diversability
Our passion and purpose drive us in everything that we do, so why not lead with it. Although, is there a difference between passion and purpose, or are they really the same? We define what is important to us as individuals, and those values drive us as leaders in everything that we do.
But, have you ever had the challenge of meeting individuals with diversabilities? Chances are you have. As a leader of diversability within the community, I have come across challenges leading diverse groups of individuals. We all are different and provide perspectives to each problem that we face.
In this presentation I will speak of personal challenges leading diversability teams and drawing in purpose; including, what is diversability and how to integrate it into your leadership within the organizations that you are involved with.
Afternoon (3:15-4:35)
Aaron Larsen – Improv in Everyday Life
Life is stressful, and does not always go your way. When taking the lead and something goes awry, an old theatre technique can be your best solution: improvisation. The art of improv can benefit a leader in numerous ways. By utilizing the three fundamental principles of improv – speed, timing, and confidence – a person can swiftly discover that they are becoming a stronger leader and better equipped to deal with any situation life puts in their way. This lecture and workshop will be facilitated by Aaron Larsen, a volunteer drama teacher with over seven years of teaching experience in the field.
Nishat Tasnim – Try Stuff! Taking full advantage of the diverse pool of opportunities around you
You are immersed in a pool of opportunities, so become an explorer!
The events, activities and initiatives you choose to partake in will shape you as a person and as a leader. During this presentation, I will show you how I tried a bunch of stuff, out of curiosity, and how they increased my understanding of things, and added to my toolbox of skillsets. I will try to convince you that participating in a diverse range of activities along with tending to your coursework in a worthwhile endeavor.
Allowing your hobbies, creative potential and imagination to take flight makes you stronger and happier, so increase the wingspan of your abilities and grow an appetite for trying stuff! Just like an explorer.
Go Global – Developing Canadian Identities Abroad
Two Go Global peer ambassadors will be holding a forum to share their experiences as Canadians abroad. This discussion will focus on the topic of Canadian identity in a global world and the enhancement of personal understanding through international learning. Come discover how our experiences studying at universities on the other side of the world helped us become more evolved Canadian leaders.
Suraj, Milap & Ana – How Can a Team of 5 Students Engage 13,000 Students?
How can a team of 5 students engage 13,000 students? Sounds impossible? But, we make it happen! With over 500,000 followers on social media, the TRU Social Media Ambassador team engages existing and prospect TRU students on several social media channels. What is the core essence of this program? Leadership. As student leaders, our team directs other students in creating a change. Building a campus culture, conducting projects that lead to a change, it’s all due to the leadership of our Social Media Ambassador team.
Learn more about the tools we use, and how we do this through this presentation. One more aspect that this presentation will cover is going to talk about how you can engage and lead volunteers to come together and do something with absolute dedication and responsibility. Money is not the only motivation. Learn more about effective leadership for volunteers to execute projects with high impact.
Jeannine Kuemmerle – Bystander Intervention for Sexual Assault
From the Equity and Inclusion Office, which envisions a community where human rights are respected and equity is embedded in all areas of academic, work and campus life. Through its leadership, vision and collaborative action, the Equity and Inclusion Office will further UBC’s commitment to excellence, equity and mutual respect.
Ty Binfet – Don’t Wait to be Told How to Lead
Dr. Binfet will share his experiences on campus at UBCO establishing the B.A.R.K. dog therapy program and changing the culture of how dogs are integrated into our campus community. He will share some of the struggles and lessons learned about leadership with the hope of inspiring UBCO students to lead in ways that are meaningful for them. Dr. Binfet is an Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Education, the Director of Building Academic Retention through K9’s (B.A.R.K.) program, and the recipient of a 2016-2018 Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council grant to study adolescent kindness.